For this week's newsletter click on;www.nursinghomemusicministry. com/2-23-2015.html
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17
For this week's newsletter click on;www.nursinghomemusicministry.
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17
Monday February 16 th ~
A Brother in Christ has funded a "Mission Trip" for the ministry.
Enough for me to spend 4 weeks singing and ministering in nursing homes
in Australia.
I spent
most of today on the computer checking Flights, baggage limitations and
making sure I can carry-on the insulin and syringes to get through the
month. Also found out I needed a travel visa in addition to the Passport
(which I already possess). Through Australia's (.gov) website I was
able to get that done and approved online, rather quickly.
Tuesday February 17 th ~
After double checking the available airfares. Then triple, quadruple
and quintuple checking, I took the plunge and bought the ticket.
I'm scheduled to fly out next Wednesday February 25th and return on March 25th.
Got out and about to pickup a cheap carry-on bag and an insulated
purse-like contraption to carry the insulin. Then in the evening I
attended a prayer group at Jubilee where I was given the opportunity to
sing and share some testimony.
Wednesday February 18 th ~
Did some online research about lodging in Brisbane and such. Did some
more preparation including buying some Australian Dollars (looks like
play money to me:-).
Attended mid-week services at Jubilee.
Thursday February 19 th ~
I was able to minister at the "Southpark Meadows" facility here in
Austin. One of the rare occasions I've lost control of my emotions while
singing. It was only for a second, I don't think anyone noticed.
There was a young lady (20's or 30's) who'd obviously been through a
traumatic health issue. Wrapped up in a blanket. Such a lost / forlorn
look in her eyes. Pulled on my heart strings. A nurse even came in at
one point with a stethoscope to check her heart rate.
Friday February 20 th ~
Did some domestic chores and a little relaxing.
Saturday February 21 st ~
Went with my host (Richard) to a Breakfast / Fellowship.
Later, I put new guitar strings on the Martin. And attended a Home Group type dinner at my Dear friends' (George & Laura's) house.
Sunday February 22 nd ~
Attended Jubilee Christian Center. Then an evening meal with my Dear Sister Sarah.
So, Lord Willing, in a couple of days I'll be boarding an airplane to Brisbane, Australia. I will make every effort to continue the newsletter
while there. However, If for what ever reason I'm unable to, I'll
simple do a long one when I return. Please pray for me, I need all I can

May The Lord Our God
Guard, Guide And Direct You.
In The Name Of Jesus. Amen!
Your Brother in Christ, Larry Eugene Stevens
P.S. To God be the Glory!
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