For this week's newsletter click on;www.nursinghomemusicministry. com/2-9-2015.html
These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.
Titus 2:15
For this week's newsletter click on;www.nursinghomemusicministry.
These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.
Titus 2:15
Monday February 2 nd ~
A cold, windy day.
Published from the "Jellystone" campground in Mississippi. Did laundry
there and spent the rest of the day relaxing in the warmth of the camper
Tuesday February 3 rd ~
Drove west to Brandon, Mississippi and ministered at their Health & Rehab center.
Wednesday February 4 th ~
Crossed into Louisiana to the town of Delhi and ministered at the "Deerfield Nursing & Rehab" facility. There was a fella there who comes in every Wednesday and hands out gum & candy as he visits with the folks. He sat in on our session, and when a resident requested a song I haven't learned, he offered to sing it for the group.
He did a fair job, singing with a karaoke type Cd. Then I spent another twenty minutes wrapping things up.
Thursday February 5 th ~
Continuing east, I stopped in Minden, Louisiana. The first nursing home I went to I encountered an activity director unwilling to interrupt a meeting to get the permission from the administrator she felt she needed. So I went to another facility in the area "Town & Country Health & Rehab" where they juggled a few things around to slide me right in.
In a relatively small activity room with about fourteen residents and four staff members, I began to minister. Along about the third or fourth song, two of the employees sitting together on a couch began talking almost continuously. Loud enough to be heard over the singing.
I've learned over the years that if I'm going to deal with situations like this, to go ahead and do it quickly and gently, before anger sets in. So, when after a couple of three songs the activity staff failed to address the issue, I walked over and gently whispered to them saying, "Y'alls talking is causing a distraction. Do you mind too much waiting till I'm finished or maybe going outside?"
They immediately accepted the mild rebuke, stopped talking, and a few songs later, left the room. We continued on with a sweet time of Praise.
Friday February 6 th ~
Sang at the Nursing Center in Mansfield, Louisiana. Then crossed into Texas.
Saturday February 7 th ~
Stopped in Crockett, Texas and ministered for some folks at the "Community Care" nursing home.
Sunday February 8 th ~
Made it to Wallhalla, Texas in time for a special worship service with old friends at a Home Church type fellowship. Joined this group of seventeen for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Then over to a country home to spend time with some dear cousins.

May The Lord Our God
Guard, Guide And Direct You.
In The Name Of Jesus. Amen!
Your Brother in Christ, Larry Eugene Stevens
P.S. To God be the Glory!
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