For Newsletter with music and pictures click on;www.nursinghomemusicministry.com/12-26-2016.html
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.
Proverbs 19:17
For Newsletter with music and pictures click on;www.nursinghomemusicministry.com/12-26-2016.html
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.
Proverbs 19:17
Monday December 19 th ~
Sent out the newsletter in Brookhaven, Mississippi. Unable to publish on the website this day. The Web-host having issues. Got over to the "Golden Living" nursing home and sang after a group of local kids.
Tuesday December 20 th ~
Ministered at the "Lawrence County Nursing Center" in Monticello, Ms.
for some sweet folks. Then on down the road to the "Salem Heights
Baptist Church" outside of Laurel, Ms. where I hooked up with long-time friends.
Wednesday December 21 st ~
It's my Birthday! Made it to 61, so far.
Spent most of the day on the laptop in the church library publishing the website with a new (required) program.
Got invited to join the church staff for lunch at their Christmas meal. And later during the evening service I was given the opportunity to sing a couple of songs.
Thursday December 22 nd ~
Sang at the "Care Center of Laurel". The same activity staff have been here for many years, and welcomed me with open arms.
Friday December 23 rd ~
Down the street to the "ComfortCare Nursing Center" where I was able to minister with a bunch of folks.
Saturday December 24 th ~
Joined a group from the church, who host a Christmas Eve dinner at the
Mission in town. And enjoyed the honor of sharing in song, testimony and
message after the meal.
Sunday December 25 th ~
Attended Christmas morning services at
Salem Heights. Then over to the Mission where the founders (Richard
& Gina) gave me the opportunity to share some more with the crowd.
And so begins another week.
May The Lord Our God
Guard, Guide And Direct You.
In The Name Of Jesus. Amen!
Your Brother in Christ, Larry Eugene Stevens
P.S. To God be the Glory!
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