For this week's newsletter click on;
www.nursinghomemusicministry. com/11-24-2014.html
"The voice spoke from heaven a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.'
Acts 11:9
For this week's newsletter click on;
"The voice spoke from heaven a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.'
Acts 11:9
Monday November 17 th ~
Started off this week in
Center Point, Texas where I published the newsletter from the "Trinity
Church". Then after doing laundry in Kerrville, I drove to Lakeway,
Texas in time for Barbara's Home Group/Pot-Luck Dinner/Worship Service/ Fellowship.
These dear folks have helped many people in many ways, including getting lady's off the street, out of drugs, you name it.
This night they gave me the honor of leading some songs and sharing in word and testimony.
A sweet group of Believers.
Tuesday November 18 th ~
Parked in their driveway last night. Had breakfast with Barb, then drove to North Austin for a visit with old friend's David & Mary.
Wednesday November 19 th ~
Hooked up with my dear friend's George & Laura in South Austin.
Spent a wonderful day visiting and such. And attended evening services
with them at "Jubilee Christina Center".
Thursday November 20 th ~
Breakfast with George and a long visit, then drove to La Grange, Texas
where I was able to minister at the "Jefferson Place" assisted living
facility before their Bingo activity. Then a few more miles to Don &
Sue Ellen's Thursday night Bible Study and Fellowship Meal.
Friday November 21 st ~
Sang at the "Care Inn" nursing home in La Grange. This is an older, poorest-of-the-poor type facility.
Saturday November 22 nd ~
Back in Austin I attended a Saturday morning Breakfast Fellowship/Bible
Study with some old friends. This activity was started years ago at a
church which a few years ago had to disband due to an inability to meet
their financial obligations. And although they go to different churches
now, this small group continues to get-together once a week like this,
in their homes.
Sunday November 23 rd ~
Attended "Jubilee Christian Center". And then enjoyed a delicious lunch with friend's Kevin & Jane.
Took care of some domestic chores. A visit with a couple of nephews. Then an evening meal with dear Sister Sarah.
And so begins another week.
May The Lord Our God
Guard, Guide And Direct You.
In The Name Of Jesus. Amen!
Your Brother in Christ, Larry Eugene Stevens
P.S. To God be the Glory!