For this week's newsletter click on;www.nursinghomemusicministry. com/1-26-2015.html
Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.
For this week's newsletter click on;www.nursinghomemusicministry.
Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.
Proverbs 20:1
Monday January 19 th ~
Attended an early morning
men's Bible Study/Breakfast Fellowship at the Methodist Church here in
Ocilla, Georgia. Then published the newsletter from the home of my host
Jay & Kathy. From there I got over to the "Shiloh" residential care
home where I was able to sing for the folks as they finished lunch.
Ended the day joining Jay for a men's Spaghetti Dinner Fellowship back at the church.
Tuesday January 20 th ~
Breakfast with Jay & Kathy. Said my goodbyes to these dear friends
and drove to Fitzgerald, Georgia and ministered at the "Life Care
Center" for about sixteen folks. Stopped at the library to get Income
Tax Forms, then a bit further north to McRea, Georgia.
Wednesday January 21 st ~
Spent the morning starting the income tax chore, then drove a short way
to a large drug & alcohol rehab type facility. These folks have
allowed me to park overnight and shower as I come through this area for
three years now.
Thursday January 22 nd ~
The Executive Director of this facility (David) has given me
permission to stay through the weekend and even provided office space to
work on the taxes. So, I drove into town (Dublin) and ministered at the
"Shamrock Health & Rehab Center", then back to the campus for some
number crunching.
Friday January 23 rd ~
Spent most of the day finishing up the tax chore, then in the
evening I was given the opportunity to share with the guys (about 30)
during their Friday night devotional.
These men (mostly relatively young) are enrolled in a one-year faith
based program here at "Teen Challenge International" Middle Georgia.
They live, sleep and eat here full time, under strict supervision, being
taught and helped to overcome harmful addictive behaviors.
Saturday January 24 th ~
A day of rest.
Sunday January 25 th ~
Attended services here at "Teen Challenge". It just happened to be
their monthly "Family Day" with a large crowd of family members coming
to see their loved ones.
During the service they celebrated two of the "Students" graduation from the program. Both of whom had been given the opportunity and chosen to, come on board as staff members.
During the service they celebrated two of the "Students" graduation from the program. Both of whom had been given the opportunity and chosen to, come on board as staff members.

And so begins another week.
May The Lord Our God
Guard, Guide And Direct You.
In The Name Of Jesus. Amen!
Your Brother in Christ, Larry Eugene Stevens
P.S. To God be the Glory!