Larry lives on the road. Since August of 2004. Singing gospel music in nursing homes and churches all across the United States.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Monday, November 16, 2020
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Monday, October 5, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Friday, September 11, 2020
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Monday, August 17, 2020
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Lincoln City, Oregon
Lincoln City, Oregon
Now on the Oregon coast.
Lord willing I'll be working my way south for the next few weeks passing out the Singalong DVD in this cooler weather.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Junction City, Oregon
Gordon and Daisy (Pastor's of Kings Grace)
Just spent a few days passing out the Singalong DVD's in Eugene and Junction city.
Visited with a bunch of old friends.
Now headed to the coast where it's much cooler.
Monday, July 6, 2020
monday lg
into Montana to the “Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation” in
Lame Deer, Montana. Connected with friends at the “Morning Star
Baptist Church”.
into Montana to the “Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation” in
Lame Deer, Montana. Connected with friends at the “Morning Star
Baptist Church”.
visiting with Dean and Keli who have been Pastoring here for 19 years
now. Dean showed me around the communities million dollar Thrift
store which has been several years in the making.
visiting with Dean and Keli who have been Pastoring here for 19 years
now. Dean showed me around the communities million dollar Thrift
store which has been several years in the making.
to share a bit during the Sunday service.
to share a bit during the Sunday service.
I got here I found out that the Tribal Council voted to not allow
outside visitors on the reservation. So, headed out first thing in
the morning.
I got here I found out that the Tribal Council voted to not allow
outside visitors on the reservation. So, headed out first thing in
the morning.
God Bless You!
God Bless You!
in Christ,
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Eugene Stevens
Saturday, June 27, 2020
June 26, 2020
In A Nursing Home
Made it to the church, popped the hood and spotted a heavy wire burned/separated.
The pastors started working on it. Their first patch made it worse. Bill called a member/mechanic. Shane took me to the nursing home I was scheduled to sing at.
Had a wonderful time sharing with residents outside on this beautiful, not too hot---not too cold morning.
Got a ride from another pastor (Bob) back to the van where Cabel had arrived and quickly found and patched the problem. Praise God!
May God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Larry's YouTube Channel
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Work area in the church. |
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"Crossroads Baptist Church' Minot, North Dakota |
Missouri a few weeks ago. Drove up into Iowa where I connected with
friends in Grinnell. Then on into South Dakota, again connecting with
dear ones. Now in North Dakota with some lovely folks.
in about 40 nursing homes along the way. Unable to go in, however I
was able to distribute the “Singalong DVD”. And enjoyed the honor
of sharing in the churches on weekends.
here in Minot, North Dakota with access to wifi in the church I'm
parked at, I've been able to program the project into a more
compatible file format and assemble more DVD's. Then found a company
which duplicates and packages the video for about the same cost as I
can do them for.
once I get the graphic artwork uploaded I can order what's needed and
have em shipped ahead of me. Sweet.
been able to get it onto my YouTube channel.
it out. I'm posting videos as updates through that medium.
can be accessed through the website:
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Larry's Gospel Singalong Hour
April 6th the good Lord gave me the ideal to record videos
of me playing and singing gospel songs using my smart phone and edit
them in a movie maker program to burn onto a DVD.
through I can't physically go in and share with the folks because of
the present situation, I can give them a Singalong video which they
can watch on their large television.
I burned the final disc.
total of about 100 Blu-ray and 100 DVD's.
I'll present one of each so they can watch it no matter which player
they have.
has taken 7 weeks and lots of prayers for the good Lord to help me
figure things out.
a bit tired, yet looking forward to getting back on the road and
distributing these things.
please pray with me that I'm welcomed and allowed to spread this seed
in the Homes.
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
A New Project
A New
the past few week's I've been filming a daily video of gospel songs.
And posting them on Facebook for friends and members of various
groups including the members of the church I'm at.
has given me something to do since I'm unable to enter nursing homes.
A few days ago the good Lord gave me an idea. To compile these videos
onto a DVD.
nursing homes I've been in have a large flat screen TV in the
activity room which they could watch it on.
could label it “Larry's Gospel Sing-Along”.
I ordered an external DVD burner and a bunch of blank DVD disc.
abreast of the current situation, I've come to realize that it could
be quite some time before nursing homes allow outside visitors. This
is one way I can continue to share with and comfort our elders. And
even continue to share with them after I have left.
pray for the Lords guidance and support in this endeavor.
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Macomb, Missouri
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"Corinth Baptist Church" Macomb, Missouri |
Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
the years, as I've traveled around the country, I have noticed an
interesting phenomenon:
the most part, I connect with folks I haven't seen in a year. When I
arrive I receive a wonderful welcome in the form of a warm handshake,
smile and even a sweet hug. Followed by time spent with those I
haven't been around for quite a while.
have been invited over for meals, taken out to eat, asked to high
school football games and even went inline skating once. I've been
given the honor of sharing a bit during traditional worship services.
But those Services take up a very small amount of time (in a week's
worth of time) of our walk as Believers.
the years those feelings of appreciation, admiration and yes Love,
have grown to the point where I get excited, anticipating the
reunion---renewed fellowship as I approach a given area.
suspect that as we near the end of this rather unusual episode in our
lives, we will have come to long-for and crave that aspect of
connection/fellowship. Which very few of us get enough of.
perhaps there is untapped (joy, happiness, fulfillment, etc.)
available to us in God's Kingdom. This side of heaven, for those of
us who need it more, most. And maybe we can make a determined effort
to arrange more time for this much needed (Fellowship) activity.
to look forward to!
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
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T.R.S. (Temporary Recording Studio) |
for the moment some aspects of this ministry are on hold. That is,
unable to go into nursing homes.
it has turned out to be a blessing to be where I am at this time.
Because, the church I'm at which has a place for me to park, plug in and access their shower and kitchen, have given me
permission to assemble the T.R.S. (Temporary Recording Studio) in one
of the unused rooms.
will allow me to continue to do ministry related work while this
history making episode runs it's course.
Friday I unpacked the recording equipment stored in the van and set
it up in what used to be the Pastors office. Saturday I began working
on an old classic “His Eye Is On The Sparrow”.
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Macomb, Missouri
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"Corinth Baptist Church" Macomb, Missouri |
Laura Ingalls Wilder, writer
of “Little House on the Prairie” lived for a time in Mansfield,
Missouri. There's a museum there with an RV Park across the road.
Back when I was sleeping in
a tent every night to do this ministry, I paid for one night to pitch
the tent and access their shower. The owner at the time (Sandy) who
raised miniature horses on the property, found out what I do and like
the folks in Arkansas, invited me to stay free-of-charge as I
ministered in the area.
So, for the next two weeks
I sang in a number of nursing homes within a twenty mile radius.
Including a facility in the town of Seymour where the activity
director invited me to attend the “Corinth Baptist Church” in an
area called Macomb.
Through the years the folks
of this congregation have given me a place to park and plug-in at the
church which also has a shower, as I minister in the area. These days
there are three churches I get to share in while here, as well as the
nursing homes.
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Monday, March 2, 2020
Hartford, Arkansas
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"Assembly of God" Hartford, Arkansas |
Over fifteen years ago when
I first started this ministry I was driving into Mena, Arkansas when
I pulled into a campground just south of town. Paid for one night
($16) to pitch my tent. This is before the Lord opened my mind to rig
the van to sleep in.
It was a Saturday so I sang
in one of the nursing homes and the next morning attended a
store-front church in town where I got to join the folks who were
leading the music service.
When I got back to the
campground and went to pay for another night, the owner informed me
that they'd received two phone calls from people checking-up (asking)
if there was someone in the park who sang in nursing homes. I was
then told that my money was no good and I could stay free of charge
as long as liked.
Stayed there a bit longer
ministering in the area then drove north and a little east to a
campground on the Arkansas river. As I went to say hi to the man in
the campsite beside me, he nervously asked, “Have you come to
torment me?”
Needless to say that
stopped me in my tracts. Spent the rest of the afternoon visiting
with, ministering to him. At one point as we were sitting at a picnic
table, a man drove up and stopped to visit. Said he'd come to the
park to dig for worms (fishing). Shortly thereafter, this man told me
that I needed to go back sixty miles the way I'd just come to
Hartford, Arkansas. He told me what church I needed to go to and who
I needed to see.
The next morning which was
a Sunday, I drove back to Hartford and as I arrived at the church the
pastor greeted me in the parking lot and the first thing he said was,
“Do you play a guitar?” A little surprised I answered yes. He
responded, “Bring it in”.
For the next couple of
weeks I stayed in the area worshiping with these folks, ministering
in the nursing homes nearby and even helped with some remodel work on
a members' house. At the last service before I left, I received a
much needed Love Offering. By the time that arrived I was down to
about thirty dollars although they didn't know about that.
the years I've made an effort to swing through here most every year.
They continue to give me an opportunity to share in the service and
help me along my way.
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
A Day in a Life
Day in a Life
February 17th.
parked at a Cowboy Church overnight just outside of De Queen,
Arkansas, I got out early, on into town to a McDonald's to publish a
Random Newsletter, accessing their wifi.
to a laundry-mat for that weekly chore.
to the nursing home in town where I was able to share with the folks
before their scheduled Bingo. Normally you can't get in the way of
Bingo. But they did delay it a bit to accommodate the Gospel. Nice!
stop at Walmart for supplies. Jumped in the van and click. Nothing.
Battery dead as the proverbial door-nail. An old-timer gave me a
jump-start just to make sure that was the problem. It was. I've
learned over the years that when a battery starts giving me problems,
just bite-the-bullet and get a new one.
out the few tools I have. Removed the old battery placing it in a
shopping cart. Those batteries are rather heavy. Rolled into the
store exchanging the old for a new. They've gone up ( $131 w/ tax).
Installed the new and back in business.
to an Army Corp Campground (only $7 with my senior pass). Got in a
walk and shower. Eventually went to bed about 10 o'clock, but before
I drifted off I heard what sounded like a girl screaming and loudly
begging for help.
my heart I know I reacted slowly. Still, I threw some clothes on,
slipped on my sandals, grabbed the flashlight and went to check.
Turned out to be a 12 year old boy who had come down for a shower.
He'd seen something in the woods that spooked him. Fear and
imagination did the rest.
he heard and saw me come out of the van, he came towards me and began
to calm down. He was no longer alone. Bless his heart he was one
scared little puppy.
guess his parents had heard him from the other side of the campground
because they came driving up about that time. He made a be-line for
their car. Safe at last.
went back to bed and eventually got to sleep.
Day in a Life
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Monday, February 17, 2020
De Queen, Arkansas
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"Cowboy Church" De Queen, Arkansas |
Queen, Arkansas
past week I worked my way from west to east across some of Southern
Oklahoma. Got to share in a few nursing homes and endured some cold
morning as I crossed into Arkansas I spotted a little Cowboy Church beside
the highway. Their service had started rather early, which means I
walked in about halfway through.
at the end of the service they gave me the opportunity to share some
testimony and a one-minute-sermon.
they offered me a place to park on the property and plug in an
extension cord for the night. They even left the restroom unlocked
which has a shower.
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Eufaula, Alabama
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"Thankful Baptist Church" |
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Alabama |
this part of the country there are still many churches with no ethnic
diversity. Most (but not all) are all white, all black, etc.
years ago I attended the “Thankful Baptist Church” here in
Eufaula, Alabama. These folks had never seen or met me before. I was the only non-African American in the congregation. They
very graciously invited me to share a bit before the sermon and even
provided a love offering for the ministry at the end of the service.
was rather humbling, because:
in the meeting when they took up their regular offering, I placed a
twenty dollar bill in the plate which was my tithe for that
particular week.
young man leaned down and asked if I needed change.
my eyes to the relative poor circumstance of these dear folks.
year I was out early enough Sunday morning to sing at the nursing
home in town for a half hour before driving over to this same church where I was
again given the opportunity to share a bit.
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Monday, January 20, 2020
Ocilla, Georgia
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Jay & Kathy's house |
and Kathy have for many years now given me a place to park at their
house while I'm in this area. They pastor a couple of churches here
which I get to share in. As well as the nursing homes nearby.
had an appointment at the ear, nose and throat specialist who did the
tube surgery thing last year. The tube had come out of the ear drum
like it's suppose to and remained in the ear canal. They removed it
and proclaimed the ear looking healthy and healed.
(James) has done mechanical work on the van through the years. He
also recently started to pastor a couple of small churches. This year
I got to share in the churches and he's also repairing the ac/heater
fan and servicing the transmission.
last time I did an oil change I noticed a crack in the muffler. So
while here I also got a new muffler and front brake pads.
part of keeping-it-going so to speak.
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Quitman, Georgia
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The Refuge |
& Bonnie ministered in prisons in a five-hundred mile radius for
many years. Then at one point they started “The Refuge” on a
forty-five acre piece of property.
offer a pre-release program for prisoners who obtain paroles
contingent on them completing this nine-month faith-based program.
These men spend the first three months living and working on the
property, attending daily bible classes among other types of
then get jobs in the area including rides to and from, for the
remaining six months. They receive an allowance from their earnings
for incidentals, the rest going into an escrow account which they
receive upon completion of the program , giving them a financial
nest-egg to get started.
of their parole condition is that if they walk away from this
program, they go back to prison. A strong incentive to stick it out.
So much so that The Refuge has the best record in the State of
Georgia for men Not going back into prison, long-term.
over a decade I've been given a place to park on the property as I
minister in the nursing home and churches in the area.
passed on a couple of years ago. Bonnie has kept things going with
lots of help. They now have two buildings housing seventeen men each,
a few mobile homes for families who have stayed on to help in
administration and several other buildings including a large
structure with offices, classrooms and a Sanctuary.
God Bless You!
in Christ,
Eugene Stevens
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